Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas

Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas

Categories Fantasy
Author Sarah J. Maas
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing (February 14, 2023)
Language English
Paperback 688 pages
Item Weight 2.31 pounds
6.5 x 1.95 x 9.6 inches

I. Book introduction

Fantasy author Sarah J. Maas’s book “Tower of Dawn” tells the tale of former Royal Guard captain Chaol Westfall as he travels to the southern continent in order to receive medical attention for his wounds. Set in the same universe as Maas’s well-known “Throne of Glass” series, the book takes place in parallel with the events of the fifth book, “Empire of Storms.”

A glorious empire. A desperate quest. An ancient secret.

The search for allies extends to a new land in the sixth book of the #1 bestselling Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas.

Chaol Westfall and Nesryn Faliq have arrived in the shining city of Antica to forge an alliance with the Khagan of the Southern Continent, whose vast armies are Erilea’s last hope. But they have also come to Antica for another purpose: to seek healing at the famed Torre Cesme for the wounds Chaol received in Rifthold.

After enduring unspeakable horrors as a child at the hands of Adarlanian soldiers, Yrene Towers has no desire to help the young lord from Adarlan, let alone heal him. Yet she has sworn an oath to assist those in need, and she will honor it. But Lord Westfall carries his own dark past, and Yrene soon realizes that those shadows could engulf them both.

Chaol, Nesryn, and Yrene will have to draw on every scrap of their resilience to overcome the danger that surrounds them. But while they become entangled in the political webs of the khaganate, long-awaited answers slumber deep in the mountains, where warriors soar on legendary ruks. Answers that might offer their world a chance at survival . . . or doom them all.

The final battle looms in this sixth book in the #1 New York Times bestselling Throne of Glass series.

Editorial Reviews

  • “Action-packed . . . What a ride!” ―Booklist on The Assassin’s Blade
  • “A thrilling read.” ―Publishers Weekly, starred review, on Throne of Glass
  • “An epic fantasy readers will immerse themselves in and never want to leave.” ―Kirkus Reviews, starred review, on Crown of Midnight
  • “Celaena is as much an epic hero as Frodo or Jon Snow!” ―New York Times bestselling author Tamora Pierce on Heir of Fire
  • “Packed . . . with brooding glances, simmering sexual tension, twisty plot turns, lush world building, and snarky banter.” ―Booklist on Queen of Shadows
  • “Tightly plotted, delightful escapism.” ―Kirkus Reviews on Empire of Storms
  • “Turns a corner from sprawling epic to thrilling psychological fantasy.” ―HuffPost on Tower of Dawn
  • “A worthy finale to one of the best fantasy book series of the past decade.” ―Time on Kingdom of Ash

About the Author (Sarah J. Maas)

Author Sarah J. Maas

Sarah Janet Maas, known as Sarah J. Maas (born March 5, 1986) is an American fantasy author known for her fantasy series Throne of Glass, A Court of Thorns and Roses, and Crescent City. As of 2024, she has sold nearly 40 million copies of her books and her work has been translated into 38 languages.

Sarah Janet Maas began writing what would become her debut novel, Throne of Glass, at age sixteen. After writing several chapters of the novel, then titled Queen of Glass, Maas posted them on, where it became one of the most popular stories on the site. It was later removed from the site when Maas decided to publish the novel. The story line of the series is based on the story of Cinderella, with the premise of “What if Cinderella was not a servant, but an assassin? And what if she didn’t attend the ball to meet the prince, but to kill him, instead?” In 2008, Maas started sending the story to agents before signing with Tamar Rydzinski of The Laura Dial Literary Agency in 2009. Throne of Glass was purchased in March 2010 by Bloomsbury, who later purchased two additional books in the series. The series is available in 15 countries and 35 languages. While four prequel novellas set two years before the first novel were also published, these were later condensed into one book, The Assassin’s Blade plus an original novella. The second book of the series, Crown of Midnight was a New York Times young adult best-seller. The final book in the series, Kingdom of Ash, was released on October 23, 2018; the finished series comprised seven books plus the novella collection.

A Court of Thorns and Roses, Maas’ second fantasy series, is a loose retelling of the traditional Beauty and the Beast. The first book of the trilogy was written in 2009, but was not published until 2015. Due to the success and popularity of the original series, it was extended and a spin-off series was announced which would feature stories of other popular characters. The fifth book in the series and the first of the spin-offs, A Court of Silver Flames, was published on February 16, 2021.

On May 16, 2018, Maas announced her first adult fantasy series, Crescent City. The first book, titled House of Earth and Blood, was released by Bloomsbury on March 3, 2020. It was ranked one of the top twenty Science Fiction & Fantasy books of 2020 on Kobo. The sequel, House of Sky and Breath, was released on February 15, 2022 and won the Best Fantasy award for Goodreads Choice Awards in 2022. The third installation of the series, House of Flame and Shadow, was released on January 30th 2024.

The A Court of Thorns and Roses series was announced to be adapted into a television series for Hulu in 2021. In an interview with The New York Times, Maas confirmed that she was developing the project with the writers and the showrunner as executive producer.

In May 2023, The Verge reported that the cover of the UK edition of House of Earth and Blood uses an AI-generated image.

The banning of many is her books in Utah public schools has led to a surge in their popularity.

II. Reviewer: Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas

Reviewer Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas

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1. JESSICA reviews for Tower of Dawn

chaol is and always be my favourite character in this series. no one is more deserving of having such in-depth character development, redemption, and healing. i cant think of a better character for the readers to go on such an emotional journey with. it makes me so unbelievably happy to once again see him happy. <3

also, this exchange will forever give me life.

‘using the chair is not a punishment. it is not a prison,’ he said softly. ‘i am as much of a man in that chair, or with that cane, as i am standing on my feet.’
‘i wanted to heal you,’ she breathed.
‘you did,’ he said, smiling. ‘yrene, in every way that truly matters… you did.’

ughh. im not crying. you are. :’)

okay. as someone who has made it pretty obvious how much i dislike the covers of this series, WHY on earth am i so frustrated that this one doesnt match?!??! i mean, WHO EVEN AM I???!?

identity crisis aside, this book is so good. it is so different from the rest of the series, but i love that. it is so refreshing. also, its an unpopular opinion, i know, but i always have and always will love chaol. he has been my favourite since the very beginning and i will stand by him through thick and thin, at his best and at his worst (yeah, i see you guys coming for him during ‘queen of shadows’ – not on my watch!). he is such a complex character – flawed, but also redeemable. and so its about time he got a book of his own. i missed him so much in ‘empire of storms,’ so this totally makes up for his long absence.

in true SJM fashion, this delivers on the storytelling, the writing, the plot development, and the phenomenal characters. i love how this is completely separate from the main series, but also tied in so well, giving the reader much needed information. i cant wait to see how what happens in this book will incorporate with everything else that has been going on in the series. but one thing is for sure, its about to all go down and none of us will make it out alive.

↠ 5 stars

2. KHURRAM reviews for Tower of Dawn

I bow down to Sarah J Maas’ storytelling. I have not liked Chaol since the second half of the Crown of Midnight. Also, with the last book finishing with Aelin ending in such a precarious position, I personally did not want to weigh an extra year to find out what happened to her.

However, SJM knows that every issue I had with Chaol was addressed in this book. Also, if this book had come out after the next final book, this story would have had the prequel curse where I would have known everything that was going to happen.

I admit I was thinking about Aelin through this book, so I was glad to see her make appearances (only as mentions throughout). This is a great story tying up threads from former books and novellas. I think the “nothing is coincidence” is featured and shown perfectly in this book.

This is a great story about redemption, character development/growth, using leftover bits from the other stories to make a great story, and characters finding their own place. Once again it the it is a great credit to SJM’s storytelling skills that she wrote such a great book essentially just the side characters, and made them shine. Especially Nesryn, who definitely deserved better than just being Chaol’s backup (in more ways than one). There is also a great description of the mental injury recovery and how much of the process is mental. Anger, frustration, and guilt can be as detrimental to a person’s recovery as the cause of the physical injury itself.

As much as I hate to admit it, these characters would not have had a chance to shine like this if Aelin was in this book. If possible, this book has increased my anticipation for the next book even more. I can’t wait for the final book of this great series. I am expecting all out WAR and one hell of a retribution beat down to all the Vargs.

3. WARDA reviews for Tower of Dawn

After reading this for the 3rd time, I’m thinking that this instalment in the series is severely underrated.

Chaol deserved this journey, this book. It’s always a little amazing when you read about characters, people, overcoming certain obstacles, whether that’s internal or external. In this case, it was both for Chaol. Even though, this book follows 3 other characters, it’s Chaol’s story at its core.

His emotional journey was very much needed. From pure self-loathing to healing. From having lost his purpose to finding something much better than what he originally had. From being lost to being found. You know. All that lovely human crap.

And that ending! 😭 I’m so happy he’s found himself again. And Yrene.
I’m emo.
This book was so brown, and so enjoyable to read. I love this series with my soul.


Thanks to my babe Lena for making this reading experience extra amazing! Always going to have fond memories attached to it now! <3

I just want to curl up in a ball, stay in a cave somewhere till the last book comes out. Last page? Sadistic move! 😩

There’s so much that’s happening in this overall story of Aelin and her court! (I get so psyched when I say that!) So much that needs resolving and I don’t know how Sarah J Maas will wrap it up. Especially with the new revelations that were brought to light.

One thing I can rely on though is that Sarah J Maas will deliver.

Chaol as a character since the beginning of this series has been one of my favourites. Before my obsession with Rowan or Aelin or Dorian even. He was the one I instantly warmed to and cared for. And his overall character arc from book one till now has been an incredible to follow. I adore him!

I can’t wait to see the role each character will play in the final book.

This series safely sits alongside my Potter collection as one of my all-time favourite series.

With regards to the Valg, anyone else think they represent the Dementors and Yrene’s powers as the Patronus Charm, since the way people can get healed from the Valg is attacking it with a happy memory? With a healer’s light and magic? I just loved that aspect! A lot!

4. ANDREEA POP reviews for Tower of Dawn

Edit: Will my book slump ever go away? Maybe. Perhaps. Slow progress. But this book was a step in the right direction. Loved this with all my heart and couldn’t stop reading. Maas, again, applause for you.

(Don’t know if I’ll have a review for this one. I hate to promise and not provide and life is hectic. I just stress myself a lot about it, hope you don’t mind. But this one is highly, highly recommended!)

Never been on Team Chaol. My precious cinnamon roll, Dorian Havilliard, stole my heart from the beginning. But I’ve always wondered: HOW ON EARTH CAN ANYONE NOT LOVE CHAOL?!?! Not for his relationship with Celaena, but just for who he is. Selfless, loyal, kind, courageous. I don’t know about you, but the fact that he lost his shit in QoS (which was acceptable since he went against everything he believed in his whole life), the fact that he was flawed like any other human being only brought him closer to perfection.

So, no. I’m not sad that we get his book instead of the final novel. He deserves the recognition. SJM described this book as HoF (my favorite ToG installment) but for Chaol. It’s gonna be a journey of healing and revelations and finding yourself again. PLUS THE SOUTHERN CONTINENT OMG. Plus Yrene Towers!! And NESRYN. It’s gonna be amazing.


5. SMALLDUCK reviews for Tower of Dawn

Worth the read even if you don’t like Chaol

I am glad I read this in tandem with Empire of storms. Although I am not the biggest Chaol fan (he needs to get over himself), I absolutely enjoyed reading about Yrene and Nesrynn. The discoveries they made about Maeve, valg. Spiders and the healers were very interesting but incomplete. I know things need to develop at “realistic” paces but reading about 3/4 the information and seeing others operating at 1/5 the information is a bit tedious. Good read. Highly suggest the tandem read. And you should definitely read this even if you don’t do the tandem.

6. ELLIE reviews for Tower of Dawn


So, I was very hesitant to read this book because it was all about Chaol and I didn’t really like him in the last book and my friend who recommended this series to me didn’t even read this book. Now keep in mind the first 40 chapters are very boring and very slow, but the second you hit after 40 oh my goodness! I was on the tip of my chair the rest of the time I was reading this book. I still don’t like Chaol but I like how it ended.

7. HELEN M reviews for Tower of Dawn

this epic tale just keeps getting better!

This series was a slow start for me but with every book, it’s just gotten better and better. It’s epic and sweeping. It’s full of adventure and romance, trials, battles, and moments of redemption. It’s just so good.

This book begins with Chaol and Nesryn leaving on their journey to find aid for a foreign kingdom. It runs alongside book five and while I’ve read that some people read them in tandem, I definitely would not. Each book is perfectly paced for their characters and their story – seamlessly winding toward one another. I didn’t miss the other characters at all but it was helpful to me to know that it was a story told along the same timeline as book 5. Highly recommend.

8. CARLA reviews for Tower of Dawn

I honestly don’t even know where to begin with this book. For a majority of the tandem read, I was enjoying EoS a lot more. However, by the end of ToD, I was completely invested in what would happen to Chaol, Yrene, the Torre, Nesryn and Sartaq. I love how the queen of fantasy can so eloquently weave a tale of magic and political intrigue that sucks you in and leaves you in a chokehold that doesn’t let go long after you close the book.

9. CAITLIN reviews for Tower of Dawn

Fuck rereading this book HURT MY HEART

Original review:
I. Am. In. Tears.

I was originally not at all excited for this book but then I reread the entire series and I was HYPED. This book didn’t let me down at all. Not one bit. I’m shook to the max by how much I utterly love this book. I was in no way ready for everything that happened in this book and I’m blown away by all of the twists and turns that occurred.

We all knew that Chaol’s job was to get healed as well as raise an army. Honestly, the way Chaol’s healing took place was so utterly raw and incredible. I think it was absolutely perfect where he ended up and I don’t think Sarah could have done any better than this. This book is incredible perfection and I am in love.

As someone who didn’t like Chaol and slowly grew to like him in my reread, I would like to say that I love Chaol. That is all.

10. CHLOÉ reviews for Tower of Dawn

4.25 stars 💖

”she would love him no matter how he moved through the world.”

once a chaol girly, always a chaol girly🫡

if you enjoy a masterful character arc, this is the throne of glass book for you. if you’ve decided to hate chaol, now is your chance to redeem yourself.

this book was, in my (probably unpopular) opinion, better than empire of storms. 🫢

as a lot of you saw, i did the tandem read for tower of dawn & empire of storms. the different setting and cast of characters for TOD was really refreshing compared to aelin’s repetitive storyline in EOS. i am burnt out on aelin *bad fire pun*

both TOD and EOS were notably more horny than the previous books in the series. (not necessarily a complaint… just an observation)

math lessons from sarah j. maas:
large, brooding males + females attracted to those males despite their better judgement + a raging, world-ending war = HORNY

a special thank you to chaol & yrene for carrying me through these books. 🥰 i wouldn’t have made it through the tandem read without you both.
and thanks to nesryn for… also being there.

this book holds a special place in my heart as a chaol girly since book one.

” ‘i wanted to heal you,’ she said.
‘you did,” he said, smiling. ‘…in every way that truly matters… you did.’ “ 🥺🩷

III. Tower of Dawn Quotes by Sarah J. Maas

Tower of Dawn Quotes by Sarah J. Maas

The best book quotes from Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas

“We wait for the Queen of the Valg,” the spider purred, rubbing against the carving. “Who in this world calls herself Maeve.”

“A moment of kindness. From a young woman who ended lives to a young woman who saved them.”

“Atop his snowy head sat no crown. For gods among mortals did not need markers of their divine rule.”

“A gift.
A gift from a queen who had seen another woman in hell and thought to reach back a hand. With no thought of it ever being returned. A moment of kindness, a tug on a thread.”

“Aelin frightens everyone…But not him. I think that’s why she fell in love with him, against her best intentions. Rowan beheld all Aelin was and is, and he was not afraid”

“He’d almost told the princess that she could keep Hellas’s Horse, but there was something to be said about the prospect of charging down Morath foot soldiers atop a horse named Butterfly.”

“I will cherish it always.
No matter what may befall the world.
No matter the oceans, or mountains, or forests in the way.”

“Rowan beheld all Aelin was and is, and he was not afraid.”

“What did Aelin promise you?” Hasar smiled to herself. “A better world.”

“you must enter where you fear to tread”

“We don’t look back. It helps no one and nothing to look back.”

“Using the chair is not a punishment. It is not a prison,’ he said softly. ‘It never was. And I am as much of a man in that chair, or with that cane, as I am standing on my feet.’ He brushed away the tear that slipped down her cheek.
‘I wanted to heal you,’ she breathed.
‘You did,’ he said, smiling. ‘Yrene, in every way that truly matters . . . You did.’
Chaol wiped away the other tears that fell, brushing a kiss to her hot cheek.”

“Sartaq chuckled. “I did. But I also told him that the woman I love now plans to head into war. And I intend to follow her.”

“Every step. Every curve into darkness. Every moment of despair and rage and pain. It had led him to precisely where he needed to be. Where he wanted to be.”

“Gods help him when Hasar and Aedion met.”

“The heart he’d offered and had been left to drop on the wooden planks of the river docks. An assassin who had sailed away and a queen who had returned.”

“No lady, beautiful or plain, young or old, deserved to be gawked at.”

“Then it is a good thing, Yrene Towers, that I love you as well.”

“The most powerful pure-blooded Fae male in the world,” Chaol said simply. “A worthy asset for any court. Especially when they had fallen in love with each other.”

“It was agony and despair and fear. It was joy and laughter and rest. It was life, all of it…”

“I think she was a god… I never learned her name. She only left a note with two lines. “For wherever you need to go – and then some. The world needs more healers.” – Yrene, about Aelin”

“I knew another women who lost as much as you. And do you know what she did with it-the loss?’ He could barely stop the words from pouring out, could barely think over the roaring in this head. ‘She hunted down the people responsible for it and obliterated them.”

“You would be surprised by how closely the healing of physical wounds is tied to the healing of emotional ones.”

“I once lived in fear of other people. I let other people walk all over me just because I was too afraid of the consequences for refusing. I did not know how to refuse.”

“Don’t you waste one heartbeat being afraid of a coward who hunts women in the darkness,” Chaol snapped at her.”

“This was not the end. This crack in him, this bottom, was not the end. He had one promise left.”

“Everything hurts.” Falkan grimaced, rubbing at his leg. “Remind me never to do anything heroic again.”

“He didn’t understand-how she could be so delicate, so small, when she had overturned his life entirely. Worked miracles with those hands and that soul, this woman who had crossed mountains and seas.”

“It was like waking up or being born or falling out of the sky. It was an answer and a song, and she could not think or feel fast enough.”

“…he realized that here, amongst the dunes and stars … Here, in the heart of a foreign land … Here, with her, he was home.”

“Some swore the cats had been caught pawing through the pages of open books – reading.”

“This will be the great war of our time,” Kashin said quietly. “When we are dead, when even our grandchildren’s grandchildren are dead, they will still be talking about this war. They will whisper of it around fires, sing of it in the great halls. Who lived and died, who fought and who cowered.”

“Aelin would likely laughed to see him now. The man who had stumbled out of her room after she’d declared that her cycle had arrived. Now sitting in this fine room, mostly naked and not giving a shit about it.”

“He supposed he’d learned that strength could be hidden beneath the most unlikely faces.”

The best book quotes from Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas

Excerpted from Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas

Chapter 1 - Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas 1 Chapter 1 - Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas 2 Chapter 1 - Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas 3 Chapter 1 - Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas 4 Chapter 1 - Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas 5 Chapter 1 - Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas 6


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Excerpted from Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas

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